Newark New Jersey
The Brick City
The Largest City in the most densely populated state in the United States.
Other than changing planes at it's airport, which is actually located in an industrial area in Elizabeth NJ, surrounded by refineries, factories, and one of the largest cargo container ports in the world, most people don't know much about Newark.
Some recall the name from the turbulence of the 1960's, others might know the name of her mayor, Cory Booker, but that's about it.Located just a stone's throw from Manhattan, Newark is often overshadowed by her neighboor in New York harbor, and that's okay. Her collection of neo-colonial office buildings, Italianate homes, pre-Independence churches, and the awesome Olmstead Designed "Branch Brook Park" make Newark a gem to be discovered and treasured.
In the coming weeks watch as collections of photos of Newark make their way here.