Thanks to Rachel Ray we’ve all come to know EVOO, but few of us know what that means. Olive oil, in all of its forms, is heart healthy, especially when compared to other fats in the diet. Flavor profiles change significantly when olive oil is processed. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or even First Press EVOO is just that, olive oil that has been pressed from olives. It’s green and yellow, and if you get the unfiltered variety it has those little floating bits of fruit that are packed with flavor. Once pressed, the olives still hold a lot of oil in their fruit, so heat is applied to release more of the oil. Heat diminishes flavor making this sort of oil a poor choice for dipping, but a great choice for cooking since all of the healthy properties are still there. The remaining fruit is then chemically treated to extract even more oil given us the generically labeled “olive oil” and grocery items that “contain real olive oil.”

The flavor profiles of olive oils vary by regions and country of origin. My favorite was, big surprise here, Tunisian Olive Oil. Like Moroccan olive oils, this North African oil has a very smooth flavor and texture profile, with grassy notes that connote spring and new growth. All of the olive wood spoons and serving pieces in the store also come from Tunisia. Steve and Jennifer deal directly with the olive wood producers in Africa. Greenpeace Africa recently released a report that stated solar power plants in North Africa (Tunisia) could conceivably power the entire EU. I have a strong suspicion that well all be hearing a great deal more about this Mediterranean nation but for now let’s just enjoy the olive oil.
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